Embracing sustainable design within residential deveopments has always been a core value for Fulton Hogan Land Development. From future proofing infrastructure, to offering a variety of housing options, enhancing natural ammenities, and creating usable greenspace for generations to come.
Over time opportunities arise to make continued improvements across all areas of sustainability within each new development, which is why Milldale represents the highest standards for best practice and design to date.
A key element of sustainable design is the use of greenspace such as parks and reserves. Additionally in Milldale, as part of the stormwater engineering, rain garderns replace traditional berms with attarctive native grasses and ground cover, channelling water to larger landscaped catchment areas then eventrually out rivers to the sea. This has already proven to withstand flooding when traditional systems in existing Auckland urban areas have failed.
Preservation of existing natural green spaces is also a high priority in Milldale, with improvements to the Weiti stream reserve and wetland areas, including additional native planting and pest eradication.
Where onsite enhancements are not available, Milldale has a number of offsite waterway and wetland projects in surrounding districts, from Pakari to Glenbrook.
Greening urban spaces and wetland projects have very positive outcomes on everything from rainwater management to native wildlife preservation.
Nurturing Nature
Milldale has initiated a resident's programme that provides new home owners with a selection of native trees, with the aim to raise the green canopy within our community. This provides more habitats for our native species while also creating shade that reduces urban heating.
By encouraging residents to nurture nature, family and friends can participate over generations in the sustainable development of Auckland's future.